Professional Services for Hybrid Multicloud

Gain end-to-end expertise for deploying and integrating your hybrid multicloud solutions—for faster cloud adoption to ensure you have the right cloud-technology roadmap designed to meet your business requirements—so you can respond rapidly to changing business demands.

Determine the right strategic direction for your business

In today’s hybrid multicloud world, organisations are relying on technology to help them transform the way they do business. Therefore, success requires a strategy that aligns both business and IT goals.

To ensure you have the best strategy in place to transform faster and achieve the business outcomes you expect we use a proven collaborative approach with key business and technology decision makers to:

  • Determine business and IT challenges
  • Establish and prioritise objectives
  • Evaluate technical, operational, and compliance requirements

So you get the right strategy and solution roadmap for accelerating your hybrid multicloud journey.

Get the flexibility and choice your business needs

From strategy and design to full-scale implementation, automation, and data migration we work with you to drive data-services innovation—on premises and in the cloud.

Let our NetApp Services experts help you design, build, and optimise a data fabric foundation that will:

  • Reduce IT complexity and risk
  • Improve IT agility and performance
  • Enable faster technology adoption and integration

and give you the flexibility to choose where and how to you deploy your workloads.

Deliver actionable guidance

Our team provides direction for balancing new cloud-technology adoption with ongoing operations to quickly improve IT cost/performance and derive greater value from your IT.

Data insights

Let NetApp Services show you how to drive intelligent business decisions and demonstrate how to accelerate the value of your data analytics investment.

Identify the right cloud model for your business

Our team provides you with direction and equip you with the tools you need to help you identify the cloud-deployment models that best fit your business to enhance operations and drive innovation.

Align your IT strategy with your business goals

Our experts supply data-driven insights to address complex business needs, align technology investment to business goals, and identify new opportunities to help you speed time to market.

Build the hybrid cloud infrastructure you need

Trust NetApp Services experts to help you design and deploy solutions to smooth your migration to cloud and deliver cloud services faster to accelerate your digital transformation.

Enable seamless cloud hybrid cloud migration

Use proven methodologies, automated tools, and best practices to smooth your cloud migration, reduce risk and impact to the business—so you can speed delivery of new IT services for your users.

Build your hybrid cloud

Tailor a hybrid multicloud strategy that bridges the gap between your business goals and technology investment to accelerate digital transformation.


Download our eBook and learn valuable tips, tricks, and insights on how build a standardised data architecture

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